1. Status

The National Agency for Investment Promotion (ANAPI) is a public technical institution endowed with a legal personality and management autonomy. It is placed under the supervision of the Planning Minister.

In accordance with the laws n° 004/2002 of 21 February 2002 governing it, relating to the Investment Code and the Prime Minister’s Decree n° 09/33 of 08 August, 2009 on the statutes, organization and functioning of ANAPI, here are its specific missions :

2. Key missions

  • Mission of promoting the positive image of the Democratic Republic of Congo ;
  • Mission of promoting the specific investment opportunities ;
  • Advocacy mission to improve the business climate in the country (after-care) ;
  • Mission of administrative support to investors who decide to establish or expand their economic activities in the country.

As described above, promotional activities of ANAPI include all economic sectors such as :

  • Agriculture
  • Agribusiness
  • Breeding
  • Fishing
  • Manufacturing Industries
  • Hotels and restaurants
  • Buildings and public works
  • Social housing
  • Wood and Forestry
  • Air road, sea, river transport
  • Telecommunications
  • Information technology
  • Energy
  • Textile
  • Other services
  • Mining, Banking and insurance (for opinion)

Regarding the approval or grant of incentives related to the sectors hereafter (mining, banking and insurance), ANAPI is referred to only for its opinion required for the said sectors.

2. Services offered prior to installation of the investor

Accompaniment in Kinshasa and provinces in prospecting mission.

Services offered during installation

  1. Facilitations to investors seeking land (premises) and connection to water and electricity network ;
  2. Assistance in obtaining settlement visas ;
  3. Support to obtain special licenses (Mines, Banks, Telecommunications, air transport, etc.) ;
  4. Support for the setting up of companies ;
  5. Granting of customs, fiscal and para-fiscal benefits.

- Customs , fiscal and para-fiscal benefits

  • Types of benefits :
    • Exemption from income tax ;
    • Exemption from property tax ;
    • Exemption from import duties on equipment and materials ;
    • Exemption from export duties of finished products.
  • Duration of benefits
    • Economic Region A (Kinshasa) : 3 years from operating period ;
    • Economic Region B (Bas-Congo, Lubumbashi, Likasi and Kolwezi) : 4 years ;
    • Economic Region C (the rest of Provinces and Cities of the Country) : 5 years

Services offered after establishment

  1. Advocacy with State departments ;
  2. Information on tenders issued by the Government ;
  3. Intervention in case of difficulties with the Congolese authorities

3. The Management

The Management is the current management body of ANAPI. It implements the decisions of the Board of Directors and ensures the execution of decisions on investment promotion and approval of projects to the benefits of the Investment Code.

It is comprises the Managing Director assisted by the Deputy Managing Director who replaces him in case of absence or impediment.

As part of the facilitation, ANAPI provides various services to investors before, during and after their establishment.


Stephan VERINGA, Médard KANKOLONGO, Anthony NKINZO, Richard NGOY and Jean Marie KASEREKA (chairman of the board) 

The Board of Directors defines ANAPI’s strategic orientations. It has the widest powers to carry out all administrative acts related to ANAPI’s object.

The Board delegates to the General Management all the necessary powers to enable them to carry out the day-to-day management of ANAPI. It determines the guidelines of this management and supervises their execution.

                                                                                                                                                                           Mr. Anthony NKINZO 

Anthony NKINZO KAMOLE is the Managing Director of the Democratic Republic of  the  Congo  National  Investment Promotion Agency (ANAPI), and President of  the International Network of Francophone Investment Promotion Agencies (RIAFPI). Prior to assuming this position, Mr. NKINZO held the position of Partner specialized in Tax and Legal advisory  at  ABN  Nzailu  & Co from February 2017 to July 2017.  From  January  2015  to December 2016  and  from  September  2012  to  December 2014 respectively, He was the Chief of Staff at the Portfolio Ministry in charge of implementing  and aligning rules and laws to increase efficiency and was the Chief of Staff at the Deputy Prime Ministry of Budget.

Mr. NKINZO also worked as a Tax & Legal Manager    at PricewaterhouseCoopers DRC from April 2012 to June 2014  in         charge of         legal            and fiscal        advisory          for multinational and local clients. From February 2007 to February 2012, Mr. NKINZO held the position of Human Resources Business Partners at Nestlé where he implemented Nestlé's internal policies in line with DRC local labor regulations. For 4 years, He also served as the Recovery Agent & controller at the Tax Administration Office DGI From December 2000 to February 2004.

Mr. NKINZO is a graduate in General Management from HEC Paris (France) 2014 and holds a Master in Law from Université de Kinshasa 1996 to 2000 and a Master in International Public Law from Université de  Kinshasa  and Université Catholique de Bukavu.

Mr. NKINZO is multilingual and fluent in French, English and Swahili



- Expert in Tax and Legal system

- Good insight in both Public and Private sector

- Public Relations and Lobbying expertise

- Human Resources expertise and skills in Leadership